We supply you with a user friendly Databases Manager, included in our Hosting Control Panel, from where you could set up new MySQL and PgSQL databases right away. Also, you are enabled to be in charge of all their configuration settings via the quick access provided to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software instruments.

Clean and Very easy User interface

Handle all your databases from a single place

The Databases Manager inside the Hosting Control Panel incorporates a robust but still straightforward user interface. It is possible to set up a new MySQL or PostgreSQL database simply by typing a username and security password. In addition, you can make a backup file or customize the security password of a database with just a mouse click.

Within the Databases Manager you will possess direct access to the administration area for each of your databases, so that you can make easy corrections should you have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Rapid Database Data backup

Back up your databases in just a minute

We’ve changed the manual database backup creation into a very simple task. To do so: inside the Databases Manager, click on the ’clock’ icon beside the database that you intend to back up and then hang on for a couple of seconds for the process to take place. Depending upon the size of the database, the generation of the backup file will need somewhere between a few seconds and a minute.

You can create as many back–ups per database as you wish. We have not specified any restrictions on the amount of databases that you could back up as well.

Hepsia File Manager

Support for PgSQL

Warranted security for one’s databases

PgSQL databases are less common than the widespread MySQL databases. However, they are a preferred option for developers who are looking for the ultimate protection for their websites and web apps. Via the user–friendly Databases Manager integrated into the WuumBaa Hosting Control Panel, you can administer your PostgreSQL databases with merely a mouse click.

You’re going to find PgSQL databases bundled by default with the advanced Linux cloud hosting service packages. In case you are with a basic hosting package, you can easily request PgSQL databases to be included in your website hosting account as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The fresh face of MySQL

With WuumBaa Hosting, you will consistently find the newest build of MySQL and the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, installed.

InnoDB is a lot more reliable as compared to the former storage engine’s edition – MyISAM. It’s ACID–compliant and, even more importantly – it includes complete transaction support. Furthermore, it makes use of row–level locking, in lieu of MyISAM’s table–level locking, that used to lead to efficiency troubles at peak usage occasions.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Detailed stats for all of your databases

We provide you a simple option to observe the database utilization on your powerful sites. From your in depth database statistics user interface, that’s incorporated into the Hosting Control Panel, you can observe the load accumulated by your busy web sites in real time. The delivered details will assist you to analyze the database load fluctuations on an hourly basis, on a daily basis or per month.

You can easily keep track of the database load for all your sites within the Database Stats area of the Hosting Control Panel. The table onscreen features the database lookups created in the present month. To review information for an earlier month, just click on the back arrows placed at the top.

Hepsia File Manager