24x7 Support

Get in touch with us anytime

You may contact us 24x7 with any concerns that you can have as related to our Linux semi-dedicated service. You can email us via email and via the ticket platform and we will post back to you in up to one hour. In reality, our regular reaction time period is only twenty minutes. On working days, you might give us a call or use the live chatting support on our website.

24x7 Support

Free Dedicated IP

Cost-free dedicated IP for your machine

We include a free-of-charge dedicated IP address with the Semi-dedicated 2 server plan. A dedicated IP will help you instantly set up an SSL certificate for your web site or configure your individual name servers that will resolve to your unique IP address.

The dedicated IP is readily available to use just after you access your Hosting Control Panel. In addition, if you want additional dedicated IPs, you can order as many as you want at a promo cost through your Hosting Control Panel.

Free Dedicated IP

SSH Access

Free of cost SSH access privileges for your machine

With the Semi-dedicated 2 set-up you’ll get SSH access rights to the server, bundled cost free. This way, you will be able to instantly connect to the server’s terminal and communicate straight with the machine, without having to utilize the Hosting Control Panel.

As a result of the specificity of the semi-dedicated servers, the SSH access privileges won’t give you root privileges. You are able to communicated with your data files, databases, email and every little thing involving your sites, nevertheless, you won’t be able to modify the server’s settings.

SSH Access

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Safety–enhanced Linux–oriented servers

WuumBaa Hosting’s servers are using a safety–increased Linux version, which makes them more than trustworthy and stable. We have put in a plenty of time and work in setting up a secure system that can withstand large hack or DDoS attacks without forced disturbances to the web hosting platform and ruining your site’s overall performance.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security


A safe and sound web app firewall software

Safeguard your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) from cyber–thieves assaults with ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a web application layer firewall built to protect applications against hacker activities. We have set up the firewall to avert all popular site attacks instantly. By default, ModSecurity is turned on for all website hosts, but you are able to disable it for for just about any site that you want.


  • Service guarantees

  • Each of WuumBaa Hosting’s Linux semi-dedicated service will be set up for your needs free of charge. 99.9% service uptime. SSH access.
  • Compare our prices

  • Have a look at the costs and pick out the very best semi–dedicated server for your growing web sites. Advance to a more advanced server configuration with a click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • We’re online 24/7 to reply to any questions about our Linux semi-dedicated service. 1–hour response time frame warranty.